Julius (22)

Abbreviations and acronyms

Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms whenever possible. If you really need to use an abbreviation or an acronym, spell it out the first time you…

Active voice

Use the active voice. Avoid the passive voice. In the active voice, the subject of the sentence does the action. In the passive voice, the…

Bold and italics

We don’t use bold in normal text on the website. Where they improve clarity and help to make the point, we use italics to emphasise…

Bulleted lists

Bullet points are great for emphasising important information. Use them when the items in your list are in no particular order. And do so sparingly:…


Buttons should always contain actions. The language should be clear and concise. Capitalise only the first word. Standard buttons on our site include: Sign the…


We follow Guardian style for capitalisation. Where something isn’t explicitly covered in the Guardian style guide, follow Guardian usage. Mostly that means minimising the use…

Content elements

Content principles

These principles underpin all our content and the way that we work to produce content. We keep them in mind when planning, creating, delivering and…

Describing Greenpeace

These are some examples of how we describe ourselves and our work: For a green and peaceful world. Standing together for a green and peaceful…


Write for all readers. Some people will read every word you write. Others will just skim. Help everyone read more easily by grouping related ideas…


Typography and hierarchy is important. It’s a vital element of our design. H1 and h2 tags are used by search engines to understand the structure…


We want to ensure that our content is accessible and welcoming to everyone who uses it. Inclusive language helps us to be more accurate and…

Language and style

A list of words or phrases and how to use them. Words to avoid. Guidance on usage, capitalisation, spelling etc. Where something isn’t specified here,…


Provide a link whenever you’re referring to something on an external website. Use links to point users to relevant content elsewhere on the website and…


Use words from one to nine and then numerals from 10 upwards. Always use words at the start of a sentence. Where using a numeral adds…