
Whenever we create content, we consider the context and what our audience might find relevant and motivating.

We don’t change who we are, but we do moderate our tone, depending on whether we’re taking direct action to stop drilling in the arctic or lobbying the UN.


When talking to new supporters (including activists and volunteers), or potential supporters, using a friendly tone helps to make people feel at ease. Write as if you’re having a face-to-face conversation.

How to achieve this

  • Use contractions: we’re, you’ll and haven’t rather than we are and you will  and have not.
  • Use inclusive language that speaks directly to people, such as you and we.
  • Simplify complicated words.

If you haven’t already, please sign the petition asking supermarkets to stop using plastic packaging. Already signed? Please share with your friends and family!


When talking about our research, for example, an authoritative tone helps to underline our credentials and the importance of what we’re saying. That doesn’t mean we use jargon.

How to achieve this

  • Be concise and to the point.
  • Use accurate, appropriate statistics and information to back up your point.
  • Don’t hedge or moderate; be confident.

Air pollution is a scourge which cuts short an estimated 40,000 lives across our country every year. It costs the UK an annual £20 billion and disportionately impacts the most vulnerable in our society – the young, the sick and the elderly. This is a crisis we urgently need to get a handle on.

Over the next decade, plastic production is predicted to increase by 40%. Recycling alone is not going to solve our plastic pollution crisis; we need clear targets on reduction as soon as possible.


When talking about what’s happening in the world, our message is stronger and more effective if we’re descriptive, without over-dramatising or piling on the emotion.

Don’t tell people what to feel; let the words evoke the feelings.

How to achieve this

  • Use imagery that people will understand and relate to.
  • Use adjectives (descriptive words like beautiful, strong) and adverbs (modifying words like dangerously, quickly) that prescribe emotion sparingly.
  • Talk about cause and effect.

Huge areas of rainforest get destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations. In Indonesia alone, an area the size of a football pitch is lost every 25 seconds. When bulldozers or fires destroy these forests, local people lose their homes and species like orangutans are put in danger.


When trying to get people to engage, encourage rather than judge. Don’t be bossy or demanding or use confirm-shaming. If someone doesn’t want to take action today, it doesn’t mean they won’t tomorrow.

Value everyone’s contribution; our definition of supporter is broad.

How to achieve this

  • Use positive verbs.
  • Make suggestions.
  • Reassure people.

If you leave your email address and/or phone number, we'll use these to keep you updated on how you can get involved through petitions, campaigning, volunteering and donating. Your information is safe and secure with us – read our privacy policy to find out how we look after it.

If you fancy taking steps to reduce your personal plastic footprint this Christmas, this doesn’t mean cutting down on festive sparkle. Here are 9 ways you can dodge unnecessary plastic this Christmas [...]